win4Doors Changelog 4.00 Placer: Add Ctr+L support Add Shortcud Reminder in Hud Automatic Host from selected object (whether it is Polygon or Wall Object) Object: Add Modular Joint system (Left, Right, Top) Add New Windows Type: Vasistas Add New Windows Type: Hinged Add Default opaque material for Panel/Glass if Rubber option is Off Now the win4Doors object has the same name as the loaded preset 3.51.00 Placer: Minor bugfix e Performance improvement 3.50.00 Add Option: "No Sash" Add Option: "Only Hole" Add Paste Property without Dimensions Removed: Add Automatic Layer Insert Improved DrawPlus GUI integration 3.00 Add Axis Position (External/Center) Add Glass/Panel Thickness Add Rubber Option Add Opening Lines Add Handles Invard / Outward Add Hinge Option Add Sash Adjust Z Add Model Single/Double Add Shape Curtain Add DrawPlus (Depth Object) Compatibility 2.70.00 The Placer has been implemented to recognize the DrawPlus Depth object The color of the default materials are now Glass, Black and Gray and no longer Blue, Yellow and White By using the "Delete Materials Unused" function, Win4Doors materials are now not deleted 2.60.20 Minor Bugfix 2.50.20 Unic Tab for Materials Default Materials now are visibible in render Improvements performance in Placer Tool 2.50.10 Add Automatic Layer Insert Add Bug Materials 2.50 Add Content + Manager Preset Performance Improvements Add Poligonal Windows Add Pivot Center for Opening Add Shutter Separator Add Shutter Gadget Add Round Contour Minor BugFix 2.00 Plugin Rewrite win4Doors now is a Parametric Object highly configurable win4Doors Object use win4Doors Placer for positioning 1.70 Add Undo/Redo New GUI Optimized Add Spline Placement Add Cut From Spline 1.60.01 fixed minor bugs 1.60 Add Muntins Thickness New Icons set GUI Optimized 1.50 Rewrite Plugin in Python Code Gui Redesign Add Read and Write presets in external .txt file Add Set as Default for all gui options Add Tab Check for holes in mesh Add Tab Window Sill for Window sill operations 1.05 If the primitive object has a tag material, tag material is not applied to glass and frame objects 1.04 update Glass in Front/Back option. Now, the glass is an object that can be inserted into a Boolean 1.03 update Frame in Front/Back option. Now, the frame is an object that can be inserted into a Boolean 1.02 fix error polygon in "only Hole" option 1.01 fix bug in dialog 1.00 Versione Iniziale